Charter Service - 2

The purpose of the Bible Exhibit is to help people appreciate the priceless gift God has given us in the English Bible. Beginning with a Hebrew Torah Scroll and continuing through various Greek texts, they can follow the progression of printing and translation into our Language.

The exhibit visually presents the meticulous process that brought us what has been called the “Greatest monument of English prose,” the King James Bible. As we learn how we got it and why modern English Bibles differ so much from it, our faith is strengthened, and our confidence in the Bible soars.

Our facsimile Bibles can be handled and examined, and our artwork and sculptures help to create a visually compelling exhibit that inspires, educates, and engages people in the fantastic history of God's Word, the Bible.

You will be introduced to the men God used to bring us the English Bible: Gutenberg, Wycliffe, Erasmus, Tyndale, Rogers, Coverdale, Parker, and many more!